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A recommendation letter is a document written by someone who can attest to the skills, abilities, character, and achievements of an individual seeking admission to a program, a job, a scholarship, or any other opportunity. A well-crafted recommendation letter can significantly enhance the applicant's chances of being accepted or selected.

Here are some things you should know about a recommendation letter:

  1. Purpose: The purpose of a recommendation letter is to provide an evaluation of the applicant's qualities, skills, and achievements that are relevant to the opportunity for which they are applying.

  2. Content: A recommendation letter should contain an introduction that identifies the writer and the relationship with the applicant, a body that discusses the applicant's strengths, achievements, and potential, and a conclusion that recommends the applicant and provides contact information for the writer.

  3. Format: A recommendation letter should be written on official letterhead if possible, and it should be addressed to the appropriate individual or organization.

  4. Tone: A recommendation letter should be written in a positive, professional tone. It should highlight the applicant's strengths and potential, while avoiding negative or critical comments.

  5. Specific examples: A recommendation letter should include specific examples of the applicant's skills, achievements, and character traits. The writer should provide concrete evidence to support their evaluation.

  6. Timeliness: A recommendation letter should be submitted in a timely manner, following the guidelines provided by the recipient. Late or incomplete letters can negatively impact the applicant's chances.

  7. Confidentiality: A recommendation letter should be treated as confidential and should only be shared with the intended recipient. The writer should obtain the applicant's consent before sharing the letter with anyone else.

In summary, a well-written recommendation letter can be a powerful tool to support an applicant's candidacy. As a writer, you should be honest, specific, and positive in your evaluation, while following the guidelines provided by the recipient.

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